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Flat earth & more 

Did I mention already, that I applaud criticism and scepticism? Asking questions is part of the scientific method and I surely do believe in that. But there are people who, in my humble opinion, over do it a bit. They disbelieve anything scientists, governments and government affiliated companies say and even actively try to prove "we are being lied to" without being open to the possibility, that what these entities tell us, might be true. 


I was somewhat surprised to find that even today there are people who believe the Earth is flat and not an oblate spheroid. They don't believe gravity or even space is real, with planets, stars and the moon being projections, or some variation to this.


When I learned of this the first time, I thought it was a hoax. And there still are people who claim the Earth is flat, because it will get them some youtube views and they can make some money off of it. But there are also some real flat earthers. usually they are "biblical flat earthers" who believe the bible says, the Earth is flat. And since the bible says so, it is true. Regardless of what we can prove. 


And this, to me, is the thing. You can believe Elvis is still alive (eventhough it's been a while). You can believe JFK was killed by the CIA. You can believe the contrails of airplanes are actually chemtrails, You can believe 911 was an inside job. All of this, is going to be hard to prove.


Sure, things might not add up, but are you sure you have enough information to be sure that the official explanation is wrong? How would you know? With the flat earth however... There's no doubt. All evidence shows Earth is a globe. 


You can measure it, you can calculate it, you can deduce it, hell, you can even see it. But even then, people still won't believe it. It's a remarkable thing. They say stuff like "water always finds its level" and "gravity is only a theory", without truly looking at the science behind it. Anything that proves their ideas wrong, is discarded. In 2019 two of the Flat Earth communities greatest proponents performed some tests. The first one derived a test to find out wether or not the surface is curved. He made predictions for a curved surface and a flat surface. When the results were according to the curved predictions, his response was literally "interesting". That was his only remark on the matter. The other one decided to get a ringlaser gyroscope, so he could measure if the earth is rotating 15degrees per hour. When his results showed a 15degree per hour drift, he decided that it didn't measure the earths rotation, but the rotation of the sky.


Both show confirmation bias. They ignore that which goes against their ideas and they favor what supports their ideas. This seems to be quite common in the Flat Earth Community and the conspiracy theory community.


To end on a positive note... Within the flat earth community and the conspiracy theory Community people do advocate for finding out the truth. And I can only admire this. 

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