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Apr 17, 20203 min read
Does the universe have a beginning?
Does the Universe have a beginning? Does Big Bang Theory describe the origin of the Universe or should we look at it differently?
Apr 3, 20202 min read
Are fossil reconstructions accurate?
Critics of the Theory of Evolution criticize fossil reconstructions. For example pointing at the whiteness of the eyes, but should they?
Mar 13, 20202 min read
Can we build an artificial glacier?
We know that glaciers are melting, due to climate change. A while ago I saw a sporting event that made me wonder "Can we build a glacier?"
Oct 5, 20194 min read
The Bhutan directive
Instead of focussing on reducing CO2 emissions, why not focussing on compensating it through the Bhutan directive?
Sep 5, 20195 min read
The evolution from 'molecules to man'
Theists and evolution. Some don't believe it at all, where others only agree with adaptation or micro-evolution. But is that justified?
Jun 23, 20194 min read
Money doesn't grow on trees
Money doesn't grow on trees, yet, somehow, the environment and the climate are big business. This is one of the issues I have with...
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