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Mar 13, 20202 min read
Can we build an artificial glacier?
We know that glaciers are melting, due to climate change. A while ago I saw a sporting event that made me wonder "Can we build a glacier?"
Oct 5, 20194 min read
The Bhutan directive
Instead of focussing on reducing CO2 emissions, why not focussing on compensating it through the Bhutan directive?
Sep 26, 20193 min read
The character assassination of Greta Thunberg
16 year old Climate Activist Greta Thunberg is making waves and thus, she is subject to attacks on her character/person by climate skeptics
Sep 18, 20196 min read
How free is your 'free will'?
Many people believe they have free will. But how free is your "free will". It might just be less free than you think.
Sep 10, 20196 min read
Does Ken Ham's Ark Encounter have any credibility?
Does the Ark Encounter have any credibility as a museum that teaches about an historical event, or is it just another themepark?
Sep 1, 20197 min read
Are Christians being persecuted (in the USA)?
Are Christians in de USA being persecuted or are they forcing their beliefs on others? These questions are 2 sides of the same coin.
Jul 31, 20193 min read
The Netherlands (partly) bans the Burqa
Starting august 1st 2019, the Netherlands bans the burqa, and the Niqab. This law, 'het boerkaverbod' or 'the Burqa-ban' has been 14...
Jun 2, 20192 min read
oh no, not another keyboard warrior...
Don't we have enough people with opinions already? Don't we already have enough people who say "Wait... Someone is wrong on the internet!...
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