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Anti-Vaxx & Anti...

Many things in life or society are rather difficult to deal with. Anti-vaccination is one of those things. There seems to be some kind of resurgence of people who are against modern day science or modern day medicine. And I understand, sure. Everything has been turned in to a rather big money making machine. You can onder if those big pharmaceutical companies are really working with your health in mind, or your money. 


But a bit of common sense will get you along quite far. For example: Does drinking your own urine help you in any way? Urine is a waste product. Your body collects stuff it has no use for and that polutes the system, so it gets rid of it. Sure, if you are in a survival situation and you have nothing else to drink, it's worth the consideration, as you do need those fluids. But it still is a waste product. Let's be honest here, feces are also your own waste product. If you wouldn't eat your own feces, why drink your own urine or bath in it? 


With a similar kind of common sense you could look at vaccinations. There are many illnesses and diseases where people have been vaccinated against, ever since the nineteenth century. Ever since vaccinations started, the amount of people affected by these illnesses have declinced. Some even to a point where they barely ever resurface. 


With the resurgence of groups of people not vaccinating their children you now do see diseases like the measles resurface when they don't have to. As I understand it, besides religious objections to vaccinations, the diseases and illnesses are not the prime concern of the anti-vaxxers, but the long-term side-effects are.


Are there long-term side effects to vaccinations? Honestly I don't know. For that, I can only look to what I do know. And I don't have enough information to give a definitive answer. However, I don't have any concerns about any side effects. I don't believe I have experienced side effects and I don't know anyone who has. Can the government, the health-departments and independent institutions do more to get more and better information available? Sure. 


This is a complaint I have and I have heard of from others. The available information doesn't answer all the questions immediately. What I would do? If you have any questions regarding vaccinations and possible short-term or long-term side effects go to people who know something about it. I wouldn't join a facebook group with people who already decided it is all bad. "I would try to find the correct information from the proper sources". And facebook notoriousely is not the place for such information. It's a social platform, not a scientific platform nore is it a medical platform. Please contact your General Practicioner or another Medical Specialist when you have any concerns about Vaccinations and your Health.


The risks of not vaccinating 


Now, I can go off and rant about how you are exposing yourself or your children to health risks by not vaccinating, but I am not going to, because there is different risk. Not vaccinating yourself or your children is your choice. However, there are also people who want vaccinations but can't have them, due to immunse diseases for example. 


When you don't vaccinate yourself or your children, you might expose those other people to diseases they don't necessarily need to be exposed to. By opting to not vaccinate you take on an additional responsibility for the health those other people. It's kinda like with STi's. If you take a risk on getting an STi, it's also your responsibility to not expose other people with that STi. The same goes here. If you take a risk on getting the measles for example, then you take on the responsibility to not expose others to it. Please take this responsibility in to account, and please educate yourself on vaccinations through the proper channels, when deciding wether or not to vaccinate, when you are skeptic about vaccinations.

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