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The origin of life from non-living matter. This is adressed with as much skepticism as "nothing creating something" in cosmology. Don't get me wrong, skepticism is a good thing. But it should go along with a willingness to learn or atleast an attempt to understand. The skepticism on abiogenesis usually involves the presupposition that abiogenesis would mean that life arose through "random chance", or that DNA is code and a code requires a coder or a writer. But does it? I'm no scientist, but the process as it has been explained to me, sounds rather plausible, as it invokes something that can be researched and tested.


Life doesn't really need that much to arise. It needs a body, metabolism and inheritable information. The body can be something simple like a droplet of water or oil. This protects the molecules inside the droplet from the environment outside. The metabolism allows the molecules to use resources and transform them in to buildingblocks. These are easily explained. But where does the inheritable information come from? Well, RNA and DNA are selfreplicating molecules, which contain what is described as information. But this isn't really actual information. It is a sequence of chemicalcomponents. The sequence dictates which molecule does what. But where does it come from?


Here's the idea. On a young earth, the circumstances were a lot different. The atmosphere was not the same as it is now. It didn't contain the same levels of oxigen, carbon, hydrogen and other substances as it does now. This allows for radiation of the sun to have a bigger influence as it has now. Basically earth did not have an large UV filter. 


With the sun baking chemicals like carbon, it breaks down the chemical compositions forming new ones. This is a continuous process, where the new chemical compositions are broken down and forming new ones, over and over again. This process forms Amino Acids. With those Amino Acids clumping together forming the so called Peptides. These can react to claylikesubstances as Montmorillonite, creating Proteins. Proteins, Lipids and RNA are the building blocks of Life. 


In 2009 Scientist John Sutherland, showed RNA is created out of a mix of chemicals, when those chemicals were put through repeated processes as radiation, hydration and dehydration, over and over again. When the created substance reacted with phosphates, it formed RNA. So, the process for this, is similar as that which forms proteins.  We also know, activated RNA builds DNA. So, it seems that all the building blocks needed for life, can be created through natural occuring chemical processes.


Is my representation of abiogenesis to simple? Sure. I'm not a scientist, I am merely explaining how I have understood it. However, as this all can be researched and tested, it all seems plausible to me. That being said, Abiogenesis still is a hypothesis. Scientists have not yet been able to produce "life" artificially, however this is the best explanation we have, for the natural creation of life. 

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